Defense Update

Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 20:28:01 -0700

From: (by way of Veterans News & Information Service
Subject: Senate Names Conferees for FY 2001 National Defense Authorization
Act (NDAA)

The Senate named the following conferees to resolve differences with the
U.S. House for the FY 2001 NDAA.  Include phone calls, faxes and emails
to these Senators:

Warner (VA)
Thurmond (SC)
McCain (AZ)
Smith (NH)
Inhofe (OK)
Santorum (PA)
Snowe (ME)
Roberts (KS)
Allard (CO)
Hutchinson (AR)
Sessions (AL)
Levin (MI)
Kennedy (MA)
Bingaman (NM)
Byrd (WV)
Robb (VA)
Lieberman (CT)
Cleland (GA)
Landrieu (LA)
Reed (RI)

We need these Senators to support Concurrent Receipt, National Mail
Order Pharmacy Benefit (House Amendment) and TRICARE Improvements.

There are now 293 co-sponsors of H.R. 303- Concurrent Receipt of
Military Retired Pay and VA Disability Compensation.  When you contact
the conferees for the FY 2001 National Defense Authorization Act, let
the House members know that an overwhelming majority of the U.S. House
support this action.

We need your grassroots help NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tommy Dorris
5/4th Artillery
Col. Jack
1/61st Infantry
Society of the 5th Division