USAF Ranch Hand Herbicide from Aug 1965

Note: This does NOT include the US Army helicopter or ground applications, or any form of the insecticide programs by GVN, or the US military. The amount represents gallons within eight (8) kilometers of the area. 


I Corps: 2,355,322 . II Corps: 1,054,406
Location Orange White Blue Total Location Orange White Blue Total
A Shau 53,550 2,550 6,128 62,228 An Khe, Camp Radcliff 37,810 6,400 5,610 49,820
An Hoa 6,500 1,800 11,250 19,550 An Lao, LZ Laramie 68,970 490 10,570 80,030
Binh Hoa 8,220 0 1,600 9,820 Ban Me Thuot 16,000 9,250 0 25,250
Cam Lo 80,375 8,660 12,785 101,820 Ben Het 80,495 7,230 3,000 90,725
Camp Carrol 78,200 5,400 5,050 88,650 Bon Song, LZ Two Bits 80,643 630 6,000 87,273
Camp Eagle 14,250 0 0 14,250 Bre Nhi 6,600 0 0 6,600
Camp Esso 53,410 5,600 5,500 64,510 Cam Ranh Bay 21,227 1,373 0 22,600
Camp Evans 18,690 0 880 19,570 Camp Granite 59,310 2,075 5,390 66,775
Camp Henderson 68,155 7,040 4,800 79,995 Che Oreo 0 1,800 0 1,800
Chu Lai 12,170 4,150 1,598 17,918 Da Lat 575 0 0 575
Con Thien 84,700 12,460 10,925 108,085 Dak To 49,460 600 34,800 84,860
Da Nang, China Beach 13,800 0 2,000 15,800 Firebase Pony 43,490 0 3,800 47,290
Dong Ha 54,385 5,060 9,935 69,380 Kontum 0 415 0 415
Duc Pho, LZ Bronco 46,225 14,400 1,175 61,800 LZ Dog, LZ English 63,073 630 6,000 69,703
Firebase Jack 140,875 11,900 3,280 156,055 LZ Oasis No Data
Firebase Rakkassan 150,145 23,900 2,510 176,555 LZ Putter, Firebase Bird 50,095 0 7,200 57,295
Firebase West 15,405 3,690 18,480 37,575 LZ Uplift 43,455 3,220 275 46,950
Hill 63 20,500 3,200 0 23,700 Nha Trang 6,950 325 0 7,275
Hill 69 11,620 4,150 1,598 17,368 Pham Rang 110 2,075 0 2,185
Hoi An 17,520 3,000 13,950 34,470 Phan Thiet 5,000 330 220 5,550
Hue 41,395 0 5,070 46,465 Plei Ho, SF Camp 15,300 1,260 110 16,670
Khe Sanh, Firebase Smith 43,705 3,040 4,300 51,045 Plei Jerang 98,220 51,235 1,800 151,255
LangCo Bridge 50,610 5,600 3,500 59,710 Pleiku 1,210 11,640 1,950 14,800
LZ Baldy 15,430 3,000 13,950 32,380 Puh Cat, LZ Hammond 29,700 7,210 0 36,910
LZ Dogpatch, Hill 327 4,490 0 8,250 12,740 Qui Nhon 53,215 1,800 4,125 59,140
LZ Geronimo 22,535 14,000 468 37,003 Song Cau 5,650 55 0 5,705
LZ Jane, Firebase Barbara 91,150 6,750 3,700 101,600 Tuy An 13,215 3,740 0 16,955
LZ Langley, Firebase Shepard 72,105 7,040 4,800 83,945 Tuy Hoa 29,565 4,485 0 34,050
LZ Profess, Hill 55 39,300 13,000 17,209 69,509
LZ Rockcrusher, Hill 85 47,800 0 0 47,800
LZ Rockpile 110,050 15,440 7,650 133,140
LZ Ross 15,405 6,720 18,508 40,633
LZ Sandra 118,780 20,210 24,755 163,745
LZ Snapper, Firebase Leather 11,350 0 3,000 14,350
Marble, Hill 59 15,405 6,720 18,508 40,633
Phu Bai 54,300 3,000 120 57,420
Phu Loc, LZ Tommahawk 78,250 4,000 0 82,250
Quang Nai 25,605 0 1,800 27,405
Quang Tri, LZ Nancy 68,000 2,750 3,700 74,450

AGENT ORANGE  -   2,4,-D   &   2,4,5-T

Agent orange can cause human illness stem from the presence in it of a contaminant called TCDD (short for 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin). TCDD is only one of a family of substances called dioxins.

Exposure to high levels of dioxin causes a severe skin disease (chloracne) in humans as well as damage to the liver and nervous
system.  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is now (June 2000)
convinced that dioxin causes cancer in humans.

AGENT BLUE  Summary:
IDENTIFICATION Cacodylic Acid is an Arsenic compound. It is a colorless, odorless,
crystalline (sand- like) solid used as an herbicide and soil sterilant. It is also used in
chemical warfare and in timber thinning. HOW TO DETERMINE IF YOU ARE BEING EXPOSED
The New Jersey Right to Know Act requires most employers to label chemicals in the
workplace and requires public employers to provide their employees with information and
training concerning chemical hazards and controls. WORKPLACE EXPOSURE LIMITS The
following exposure limits are for organic Arsenic compounds (measured as Arsenic
HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION Acute Health Effects The following acute (short- term)
health effects may occur immediately or shortly after exposure to Cacodylic Acid Cacodylic
Acid is not compatible with OXIDIZING AGENTS (such as PERCHLORATES, PEROXIDES,
REDUCING AGENTS. * Store in tightly closed containers in a cool, well- ventilated area
DATA Water Solubility: Soluble OTHER COMMONLY USED NAMES Chemical Name: Arsenic
Acid, Dimethyl-Other Names: Ansar; Hydroxydimethylarsine Oxide; Dimethylarsinic Acid 


 Domestic: herbicide - Picloram

Agricultural: Systemic herbicide used for general woody
plant control. It also controls a wide range of broad-leaved
weeds excepting mustards (crucifers). Most grasses are
resistant to picloram so it is used in range management
programs (Extoxnet). Used in non-crop situation, eg. forests,
industrial, pasture and roadside weed control (ENVCHEM) 

Domestic: Herbicide - 2,4-D

Agricultural: Herbicide used to control many types of
broadleaf weeds. This compound is used in cultivated
agriculture and in pasture and rangeland applications, forest
management, home and garden situations and for the control
of aquatic vegetation (Extoxnet). 


This map is a representation of herbicide spray, missions in Vietnam. The dark areas represent concentrated spraying areas. This map only represents fixed-wing aircraft spraying, and does not include helicopter spraying of perimeters, or other
spray methods.