VietNam Magazine Advertises Nazi Memorabilia
Submit a letter to the editor
Hi Everyone
Couldn't sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!
Read my VIETNAM magazine issue earlier and saw and advertisement for Nazi
propaganda on pg 61.
I sent off the following email to the editor of VIETNAM through the
History Net website. It took quite a bit of restraint to leave out the
expletives. I have a link to the Magazine on the website and I'm going to
post the letter there too.
Ready to rock and Roll....
Dear Editor
I have been receiving your magazine for over ten years. I also purchase two
for friends. Your inclusion of the "Hammer, Your 3rd Reich
Headquarters, pg 61", advetising
Nazi songs and memorabilia in the August 2001 issue is very offensive to
me. I fought in Viet
Nam and my father fought in WWII.
Please remove the Hammer advertisement and in the future please maintain
your magazine
free of this type advertisement.
I will not continue to purchase VIETNAM Magazine with this type of
Will Myers