Web site for Hepatitis
This is a very good site to learn more on Hepatitis C and what you can do
and what the VA will do. But it will be up to you to get tested so please
don't wait to long in doing it.
Someone you know has hepatitis ®
TOPICS Hepatitis ABCs <hcvinfo.html> Epidemiology <epidem.html>
Transmission <trans.html> Extrahepatic <extrahep.html>
Diagnostic Tests
<tests.html> Liver Histology <fib_cirr.html> Liver
Cancer <hcc.html>
Therapies <meds.html> Viral Load <viralload.html>
Alcohol <alcohol.html>
Clinical Trials <trials.html> Disability <disab.html>
Support <supp.html>
Hepatitis Links <links.html>
Bulletin Board
Ibuprofen-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Chronic HCV In this report from
Medical Center, three case studies show that ibuprofen use in hepatitis
patients leads to a marked rise in liver enzymes. More... <riley.html>
New Therapy for Veterans with HCV The Department of Veterans Affairs will be
announcing plans to offer drug therapy known as Rebetron to former military
personnel suffering from hepatitis C. More... <vacombo.html>
Health Care Community Alert Interested in signing a petition to
Schering-Plough on Rebetron Development and Marketing Practices?
Statement to Schering Plough <petition.html>
Obtaining Disability and SSI Benefits for Persons with Hepatitis C and Liver
Disease Social Security disability benefits are often the ultimate safety
net for persons suffering from medical impairments which make it impossible
for them to work. For most people, however, struggling through the SSA's
bureaucracy is frustrating, confusing and slow. For people suffering with
Hepatitis C and liver disease, the requirements of the Act can appear
overwhelming. More... <disabhcv.html>
U.S. to Notify Those at Risk For HCV from Blood Transfusions Before 1992,
blood centers were not screening blood or blood products for hepatitis C.
Many people who had blood transfusions during surgery were given
HCV-contaminated blood products. More... <badblood.html>
New INFO-Watch Email Service Want to receive medical updates on hepatitis?
Subscribe to the free INFO-Watch List!
Treating Mild Chronic Hepatitis C Dr. Robert Levine explores the treatment
dilemmas facing doctors and hepatitis C patients. Learn more...
NIH Consensus Statement
Management of Hepatitis C From NIDDK
Hepatitis C
Topics include the natural history, diagnosis, therapy, and epidemiology of
the hepatitis C virus.
Read the papers... <CC.html> Comprehensive disease management article
covering hepatitis C symptoms, biochemical indicators, extrahepatic
disorders. More... <hcvniddk.html>
Recent Hepatitis C Articles
Managing Hepatitis C <nihhcv.htm>
Options for Those Who Test Positive <options.html>
Advice for People with Hepatitis C <advise.html>
Hepatitis C Factsheet <hepcfact.htm>
The Hepatitis Place is a privately-funded medical information resource
center for health professionals and hepatitis patients. To eliminate the
potential for content-bias, The Hepatitis Place does not accept monies from
federal grants or pharmaceutical firms.
The Hepatitis Place adheres to the HONCode of medical ethics.
DISCLAIMER All use of The Hepatitis Place web pages is subject to the terms
and conditions set forth below. Any use of such web pages constitutes the
user's agreement to abide by the following terms and conditions. This site
is designed for educational purposes only. This information is not intended
to substitute for informed medical advice. You should not use this
information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without
consulting with a qualified health care provider. The Hepatitis Place does
not endorse any of the treatments, medications, articles, abstracts, or
products discussed herein. You are strongly encouraged to consult your
health care provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding
your condition. This site is not moderated by a practicing medical
Content development and website management:
Lynn Shawn webmaster@hepplace.comAll original contents ©1997, ©1998,
The Hepatitis Place.
All Rights Reserved.
"Keep on, Keepin' on", Support Veterans
& Thanks.......Colonel Dan
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