5th Marines 3rd Div. Artillery

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  1)  Bill C. Fesler                                                                     Bill's Pics
  5th Marines--3rd. Mar.Div.

   June 1969---Sept 1969 @ The Rockpile

I was the FDC (Fire Direction Control---Chart-Operator) for the entire Artillery (ie. 105,155,175mm and the army's 8" while I was there ! (of course we worked in shifts). 

We pulled out in Sept.1969 and upon arriving at Camp Hansen in Okinawa we had been informed that the rest of our gang had been over-run...The nite before leaving we saw the shit hit the fan...and we saw Puff. What an awesome sight even though my brothers still ATE-IT! I have seen their names on the WALL and brings tears to my eyes. I feel like we deserted them......


To Combined Arty Units I Corps Viet Nam

Posted after 5/5

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