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101) James Bishop
Bravo / 1st Bn 40th Arty
Mar 67 - Feb 68
Came to the unit after it was in Dong Ha
102) Jack Bone
A Btry/1st Btn/40th Arty
September 1966-September 1967
Gun Bunny RTO Recon Sgt Served with Lopez Commancheros Worked with Larry Carroll, John Stodola Got busted with Larry Carroll, Matye, Scanapieco, etal. Give me a shout.
103) Michael B. Kersey
Hq, Svc. & C Btry 1/40
Joined the unit in Oklahoma in early 1966, then in late Sep '66 went by troop train to the Oakland Army Base, transferring to the USS Leroy Eltinge for a cruise with a lost propellor and a stop in Okinawa. Upon landing, up Highway 1 to Dong Ha! I look forward to hearing from any/all who were there.
104) Everett Vander Tuin
1/40th Arty Headquarters, FDC
Sept 1966-August 1967
Don't know many people on this page. Robert Hickey is the only one.
105) Jack W.Wise
Svc Brty Mtr Sgt
From the time the unit was formed at Ft. Sill until March 1967 When I was
transferred to 3/6th in Pleiku and returned home in Sept of 1967
would like to hear from any one who remembers me.
106) David Husmann
1st Bn 40th Arty Srv Btry
April 1966 Ft Sill to Sept 1967 Viet Nam
Hi Anybody remember me from supply section.
107) Ramon Rivera
A Btry 1/40 F.A.
Wanderfull time in Germany. Good friends and good food we lived like kings in Francios Kaserne.
108) Rick Bruhn
A Btry 1/40th
01/1979 to 12/1980
All for One
109) Eugene "Odell" Smith
Commander, A Btry, 1/40th FA Bn
June 1986 to December 1987
I arrived at Francois Kaserne, Hanau, W. Germany in September 1984, and served as the Bn S-1. Then Asst BN S-3, Plans and Ops. I assumed duties as Cdr, A Btry in June 1986. However, in August 1987 Graf Density began the process to deactivate A-1/40th FA to A Battery, 2Bn 20th Regt, 42nd fa Bde. I was one of the few to command in both units.
110) clint miller
c/4-1/40th (aerial rocket)FA
the 4th battalion, (aerial rocket artillery) has been left out of the listings....we were in GS of the 101ABN Div...each of our batteries was GSR to the respective brigades and their DS artillery battalions...we were NOT assigned to aviation group, our commissioned officers were FA types ...we had a horizontal chart operator assigned to our FDC(not flight ops)..and operated in the artillery freq radio nets....proud to serve...especially on reverse slopes so difficult for tubes...for more info, i welcome calls, comments..and recognition..clint miller, GRIFFIN 93..
111) alvarez, al
c/battery 1/40th artillery
Thank you Jim Reynolds. From, Alvarez/Al For the information you send me today.It's a big help. Have a nice day!!!
112) Fredric Janklow
A Battery
26 Jun 69 - unit DEROS
113) Bill Baugus
A Btry 1st Bn 40th Arty
1966 & 1967
I was the medic for A Btry 1st Bn 40th Arty from April 1966 to August 1967 at Ft Sill,Oklahoma and Dong Ha,Viet Nam. Interested in contacting others from that unit and time frame. Thanks
im looking for a birchett,dennis spc...............also anyone who served with me
115) Russ Malek
B Btry 1/40th FA
116) SSg Larry W. Brower
A Btry 1/40 FA regiment
117) Danny Williams
1st and the 40th bravo
67 and68
is any body still out there, we are getting older
118) Butch Heimbach
HQBatt. 1st/40th Arty Bn..
From Ft.Jackson-Basic&truck mech. school to Ft.Sill C Bat.toDong Ha. then transfered to HQ motor-pool.PTSD may have blocked some memory.SgtGuiman,Spina,Braun,Tex- Thompson,West,Butler?,John Smith John Walker.Also 2 Southern boys"Ridge-Runner/SodBuster on flackvest.Lost all pictures when divorced in Cal./now living in Philly again.Would love to hear from anyone who remembers,also would be great if anyone has any pictures of our "Days of War".
119) Rick Bruhn
A 1/40th FA
would like to here from all of the crew,hey landers where are you at.
120) douglas griffith
hq hq btn 1/40 108th fdc 13E20
apr 67-mar69
I can hardly remember every ones name. we almost all went by nick names. right towards the end of my extension,I went TDY charley battry,for about two months.we were doing a sweep just west of kashna, firing in support of the 25th mech. If there is any one that may remember, I would like to hear from. I do remember dave mormon. good luck guys.
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Will Myers 1/40 Arty 68-69 Dong Ha